Dr. Dina Cocco knows just how fragile small smiles are, which is why she offers dental sealants to protect them from cavities and decay. Even if you or your children are diligent about your oral hygiene routines, plaque and tartar can collect in hard-to-reach places and cause oral health problems. Your dentist in Ann Arbor can help fortify your family’s mouths by protecting everyone’s teeth against cavities so everyone can enjoy a happy and healthy smile for years to come.
Sealants are thin coverings that help protect your back teeth from dental decay. Everyone wants to protect their pearly whites from cavities, and this procedure can do just that! Instead of leaving your mouth unprotected, sealants form a barrier between your back teeth and accumulating harmful bacteria that can ruin your oral health. Your back teeth are especially susceptible to being attacked because they do most of the chewing and have hard-to-reach nooks and crannies that make it easy for food debris and bacteria to hideout.
When you visit Dr. Cocco to get a dental sealant to protect your teeth, it’ll be fast and easy. First, she will clean the surface of your tooth, then etch it with a safe abrasive substance to help attach the sealant. She’ll spread a thin covering over the surface of your back tooth. After it’s dried with a special UV light, you’re done! In just a few minutes, you can keep your mouth protected against cavities for years to come!
Children are especially susceptible to cavities, which is why sealants are most commonly recommended for them. However, this method can be just as helpful for teenagers and adults. After all, everyone’s pearly whites are vulnerable to cavities and decay despite their age.
After your dental sealant has been applied by Dr. Cocco and her team, it’ll be durable enough to withstand chewing and other basic functions. Just be sure to attend your routine visits so they can check for any leaks. If you do have a leak, they’ll quickly fix it by reapplying the sealant material. They typically last for years, so you can enjoy a cavity-free grin!
Sealants are just one part of a bigger picture of protecting your oral health. By keeping up with your oral hygiene routine, you can ward off problems and improve your smile. Remember to brush for two minutes twice each day, floss daily, visit your dentist every six months, and eat a nutritious diet to maintain a smile you’re proud of.
Everyone can use a little extra help protecting their pearly whites from cavities. To enjoy a hassle-free smile, don’t hesitate to contact Dr. Cocco and her team of dental professionals. They can fortify your oral health and reduce your stress with the protection of dental sealants! You can request your appointment by contacting us today!