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Dr. Cocco's Blog

4 Ways to Improve Your Child’s Smile During Children’s Dental Health Month

February 3, 2021

Filed under: Uncategorized — coccosmile @ 5:08 pm
a little girl with a flower clip in her hair smiles at her dentist during a visit

As your child grows, their smile changes. From only needing a damp washcloth to wipe their gums to watching them brush with the help of their favorite song, it takes patience and consistency to ensure their smiles remain healthy and strong. February is National Children’s Dental Health Month, which means dentists throughout the country are raising awareness about the importance of good oral hygiene from an early age. If you want to learn more about what you can do to keep your child’s smile looking and feeling its best year-round, check out these helpful tips.


3 New Year’s Resolutions for a Healthy Smile

December 7, 2020

Filed under: Uncategorized — Tags: — coccosmile @ 2:30 am

Tiles for New Year’s resolutions.Did you know your oral health directly influences your general health? As you enter 2021, why not make a healthy smile part of your New Year’s resolutions? You can invest in your mouth and body by committing to your dental hygiene during the year ahead. Not sure where to start? Here are 3 resolutions to follow to achieve your oral health goals.


3 Concerns of At-Risk Patients, Answered

August 27, 2020

Filed under: Uncategorized — coccosmile @ 8:29 pm

Mature male patient at dental appointmentSeemingly overnight, the transmission of COVID-19 was rampant, and the pandemic became a worldwide concern. To combat the spread of this novel virus, social distancing, self-isolation, face coverings, and extensive hand hygiene were put in place to protect the public against dangerous symptoms. Thanks to infection control measures like these, many patients have made the transition into the “new normal” safely, but those who are most vulnerable are still understandably hesitant. Therefore, a dentist is addressing three common concerns of at-risk patients.


How is COVID-19 Affecting Your Local Dental Office?

March 23, 2020

Filed under: Uncategorized — coccosmile @ 1:06 pm

dentist treating a patientMichigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer released a new emergency executive order at the end of March declaring a state of emergency, after two patients tested positive for COVID-19. In it, it states that no business that requires its employees to leave their home will operate, as long as they’re not considered “critical infrastructure workers”. Read on to learn what services and businesses are still open, and whether you can visit your dentist for emergency care if you have an accident while self-isolating. (more…)

Why Dental Sealants and Fluoride Are Important for Your Child’s Smile

February 3, 2020

Filed under: Uncategorized — coccosmile @ 7:53 pm

before and after photo of a tooth with and without a dental sealantFebruary is Children’s Dental Health Month, which means your children’s dentist is eager to share ways to improve your little one’s oral health in-office and at home. To ensure your child’s teeth are protected from decay and disease, there’s no better time than now to discuss dental sealants and fluoride treatment. Read on to find out what your dentist has to say about their benefits and why they should be part of your child’s next appointment.


4 Reasons to Use Your Dental Insurance Benefits Before 2020 Comes

December 4, 2019

Filed under: Uncategorized — coccosmile @ 5:32 pm

dental insurance form

It’s the most wonderful time of the year, but December can put a strain on your wallet. With multiple parties and celebrations and generous gifts for your family and friends, you want to make sure every dollar is spent wisely. But if you haven’t visited your family dentist in a long time and you have dental insurance, you could lose hundreds of dollars. In this blog post, you’ll learn four reasons why now is the time to maximize your dental insurance benefits before the end of the year! (more…)

Help Feed Hungry Families in Washtenaw County

November 19, 2019

Filed under: Uncategorized — coccosmile @ 2:13 pm

happy family eating dinner If you talk to our own Dr. Dina Cocco, she’ll tell you that her favorite part about being a dentist in Ann Arbor isn’t the teeth, but the people! For her, nothing is more fulfilling than taking care of someone and giving them better health and a more confident appearance in the process. She loves looking after the community, so you can imagine how upset she was when she discovered that up to 42% of hungry families in Washtenaw County didn’t qualify for federal food assistance in 2017, and that number is only expected to get bigger thanks to recent policy changes. Dr. Cocco and our team saw this as an opportunity to help out this holiday season, and you can as well! Read on below to learn how. (more…)

Gregory’s Story: Our Dentist Helps a Patient in Need

September 13, 2019

Filed under: Uncategorized — coccosmile @ 5:34 pm

Anyone who has lived in Ann Arbor knows just how vibrant and beautiful this area truly is. It offers all of the big city conveniences, shops, and restaurants that anyone could want, yet it also has a small-town charm with farmers’ markets and other fun, colorful local events. When she attended the University of Michigan for dental school, Dr. Dina Cocco fell in love with the Ann Arbor community and its diverse people. She chose to set down roots here in 1990 and has enjoyed the opportunity to make patients’ smiles healthier and happier ever since. But what makes this dentist and her practice particularly special is that she goes above and beyond to improve not only teeth, but also lives. Recently, Dr. Cocco made a significant difference for one patient in need named Gregory Charles.


A Dentist in Ann Arbor Discusses the Importance of Sealants and Fluoride

May 5, 2019

Filed under: Uncategorized — coccosmile @ 6:10 pm

a doctor holding a sign that reads “Fluoride”Instilling good oral habits in children can be difficult. A child’s age can affect the quality of their brushing habits. Children do not always have the dexterity or coordination to brush all surfaces of each tooth. Children are or can be distracted depending on their age. Dental professionals recommend parents/guardians help a child brush and floss until age eight, and floss until age 10. This will instill good habits children can use throughout their life. In addition to brushing twice daily and flossing, a dentist in Ann Arbor may suggest sealants to be placed based on a child’s caries risk. An increase in risk is determined by deeper grooves, diet and fluoride intake.


Your Emergency Dentist in Ann Arbor Says Do This for Dental Trauma

April 2, 2019

Filed under: Uncategorized — coccosmile @ 4:04 am

woman holding jaw in painOn a nice spring day, the last thing you want is to have to deal with any form of dental trauma. Unfortunately, you don’t always have control over whether one will emerge. That’s why it’s best to be prepared so that you can effectively respond and get on the road to recovery. To aid in your efforts, your emergency dentist in Ann Arbor provides some tips for how to respond to some of the more typical dental emergencies that can happen.


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